State of the District

February 13, 2024

District Communications

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弗洛雷斯总理强调了加强工商合作伙伴关系的目标 登月里程碑:澳门正规博彩十大排行平台地区事件的状态

Alamo Colleges District Chancellor Dr. 迈克·弗洛雷斯(Mike Flores)最近发表了他的就职演说《登月里程碑:澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区现状》(Moonshot Milestones: State of the Alamo Colleges District)。在演讲中,他谈到了在他任职的头五年里,在实现机构目标方面取得的进展,并展望了未来, 强调加强工商业伙伴关系的重要性. 

About 200 attendees, made up of business and community partners, 参加了2月13日在圣安东尼奥植物园举行的活动, which the San Antonio Business Journal co-hosted. 

The event also featured a fireside chat with Dr. Harrison Keller, Commissioner of Higher Education, 共同努力扩大德州的人才输送渠道, and House Bill 8, 历史性地向社区学院投资6.83亿美元,奖励那些让学生完成学位或证书的学校. 

During his presentation, 弗洛雷斯强调了圣安东尼奥面临的经济挑战,以及澳门正规博彩十大排行平台如何确保个人能够繁荣发展. 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台副学士毕业生的平均收入将增加9美元,每年400人,而在德克萨斯州工作的人只有高中文凭. 

“We know what the ROI is, and we know our community, but the moonshot is about looking at our context, 意识到我们作为澳门正规博彩十大排行平台有机会改变我们社区的发展轨迹,培养更多有资历的人才. 我们的“登月计划”是通过教育和培训——无论是证书——合作结束贫困, an associate degree, and soon workforce-oriented baccalaureate degrees,” said Flores.

弗洛雷斯强调了过去五年在支持获取方面取得的进展, success, and completion across the District, noting that enrollment is up 16%; college freshman enrollment has surged by 56%; high school dual credit enrollment has increased by 8%, 获得学位的时间从4个月缩短了8个月.4 years to 3.7 years. 

他在发言中强调的其他倡议包括AlamoPROMISE, 现在向贝尔县的高中毕业生提供这种服务, 在所有五所学院建立一个强大的学生维权网络, AlamoBOOKS+, 哪些机构为合资格的学生提供方便的教科书租赁服务, 圣安东尼奥学院开设护理学士学位课程, the work of Transfer Advising Guides, which has reduced time to completion, 以及最近一项价值4.5亿美元的开创性期货债券项目的高潮.

弗洛雷斯还谈到了该区未来的里程碑-包括在五年内将劳动力能力增加一倍的目标, 高需求领域的额外学士学位课程, the addition of 4,000+ new nurses to the workforce by 2028, 加强对微型证书和适销对路的技能的重视, 扩大劳动力学习,提供更多的实践培训. 

“We have been on a long journey,” said Flores. “我们之所以能够做大事,是因为我们教职员工的才能, the dreams of our 70,000+ students in partnership with each of you, and we have achieved a moonshot with AlamoPROMISE. 但是我们在北极星上还有其他我们想要实现的事情.”
