Board of Trustees Approve Historic $503 Million Operating Budget

July 18, 2023

District Communications

Alamo Colleges District ACCESS Building Exterior

At a special meeting, 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区董事会批准了澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区2023-2024年5.03亿美元的运营预算.

This budget year is historic, 因为德克萨斯州向社区大学额外投资了6.83亿美元, 在所有50所社区学院中,澳门正规博彩十大排行平台的增幅最大. 

In addition to the unprecedented investment as part of House Bill 8, 州议会彻底改革了社区大学的资助模式,将重点放在四项以学生为中心的成果上, rewarding colleges for:

  • 有价值的证书的数量,授予该职位毕业生的高薪工作.
  • Credentials of value awarded in high-demand fields.
  • Successful student transfers from community colleges to four-year universities.
  • 完成一系列双学分课程,使学生早日走上成功之路.

“这笔历史性的资金支持了我们在澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区服务的学生,并为创造未来的劳动力提供了投资,” said Dr. Mike Flores, Alamo Colleges District Chancellor. “这将使我们能够加强我们已经强大的系统和项目,帮助我们现有的学生走上成功之路,并继续我们通过教育结束几十年来代际贫困的登月计划。.”

澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区的预算拨款包括65美元的新收入增长.1 million (including state and local funds).

The approved budget includes the below investments, many of which have an emphasis on two key focal points – student learners, 通过保持优秀的教学服务和一整套全面的支持服务和员工,通过保持有竞争力的薪酬、附加福利和其他服务,旨在留住和支持澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区有才华的劳动力.


Enhancements and Innovations - $31.9 M


Student Success - $13.2 M


Adult Education and Literacy

  • High School Equivalency and Diploma Program Expansion - An investment to serve 16.通过扩大我们的高中同等学历,圣安东尼奥市25岁以上的居民中有8%没有高中文凭, with a diploma option, across the district.

Academic Success Investments

  • 德克萨斯州成功倡议评估(TSI)准备和必要的数学嵌入式辅导-扩大TSI准备高中学生和成人学习者谁没有大学准备与训练营, refreshers, and other just-in-time programs. 通过扩大必修数学的嵌入式辅导,增加辅导服务的可及性.

Advocacy and Economic Mobility Investments

  • AlamoEXPERIENCE Career Services & 完成成果-部署学院/行业客户主管作为行业合作伙伴和学院之间的单一联络点,加强职业服务,战略性地领导学院的职业发展工作,确保学生能够获得体验式学习机会.

  • 加强宣传中心——增加两名心理健康顾问和24/7心理健康咨询服务, in addition to and five case managers to meet the growing demand for services.


Talent – $18.6 M 

董事会批准了一项全国公认的具有竞争力的员工薪酬计划, high-performing community colleges. 董事会的承诺在计划于9月1日开始实施的以下人才战略中得到了明确体现, 2023:

  • 6.5% Market Rate Adjustment for Faculty and Staff (with a minimum $2,000 market increase for every employee) or the hourly equivalent of $0.96/hour if employed part-time
  • 医疗保健、护理、IT等教师领域的高工资/高需求津贴市场调整 & Manufacturing
  • Completion of Staff Equity Pay Adjustments (College Services, Academic Support and remaining job families)
  • Faculty Lab Loading Rate Increase from 0.75 to 0.80
  • 更新生活工资,为现有全职和兼职员工提供18美元的最低工资.05


Core Operations Additional $33.2M

In addition to the enhancements and innovations in student success and talent, 联委会还投资3 300万美元用于支持机构储备的核心服务, employee fringe benefits and operational growth. The expansion of services is listed below: 

Record Number of full-time faculty hires

The budget supports 80 new full-time faculty members.

AlamoPROMISE Expansion

The Board is investing in the expansion of AlamoPROMISE to 50+ private, parochial and charter schools, 以及贝尔县的家庭学校,目标是额外的575名学习者作为承诺学者.

AlamoBOOKS+ Expansion

Using new Financial Aid for SWIFT Transfer (FAST) state funds, the Alamo Colleges will expand AlamoBOOKS+ to all high school programs.